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Infinitive Botox Surgery :

Infinitive (infinity) Botox Surgery

Botox is especially effective in the forehead areas. Starting to get Botox before the lines appear (25-30 years of age) delays the appearance of these lines and prevents them from becoming too deep when they form in the future. In addition to these beautiful applications of Botox, it is a disadvantage ,in my opinion that it is performed for very short periods of time, such as 6-8 months.

What is Infinite Botox Surgery:

With this a new surgical technique I developed, I surgically intervene in the structures that cause forehead lines. The procedure is completed in 45 minutes through incisions made with a pin length through the scalp, and the patient is discharged from the hospital after 8 hours. After the procedure, the lines on the forehead are permanently smoothness or disappear completely.